Modern and comprehensive app for project and portfolio management

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Gantt chart
Project Charter

Boost the performance of the Project Management Office by implementing standards. Manage strategically and achieve goals.

Project reviews

Routine reports

Customized reports

Project charter


Project templates

Knowledge bases

Project portfolios


Acceptance paths



Discover the key features of FlexiProject

Extremely intuitive interface

Thanks to its intuitive interface, this comprehensive program is easy to implement and provides a high level of comfort and user-friendliness for all users.

Automation of unique functionalities

Project charters, Automated project reviews, Risks, Strategy, Acceptance paths, and Knowledge bases are a few examples of standards and automation.

Comprehensive and integrated program

FlexiProject provides all the tools to complete a project of any scale.

Intuitiveness and ease of implementation

Thanks to its intuitiveness, such a comprehensive system is very easy to implement throughout the organization.

Matching your organization

The system is customizable and flexible - allowing you to reflect your project management standards.

Reporting automation

Automated project reviews enhance communication among the Board, PMO, and project managers through status reporting.

Project plan

Effortless project management with FlexiProject

FlexiProject is a modern and comprehensive project and portfolio management app. It offers a rich set of functionalities to manage projects on an operational and strategic level. Studies conducted indicate that the program is highly intuitive and easy to implement. As modern organizations expect the project management app to allow for a wide range of configuration options, this has been a priority in the development of the program. The application especially enables the development of a project charter template, the definition of acceptance paths, the development of a report template for cyclical reviews, or the creation of scoring models. Of course, not all companies opting for FlexiProject’s project management app are at an advanced project management level. Most importantly, companies building a project management culture may initially only run the modules they need.

FlexiProject project management app offers a complete set of tools to plan and execute a project of any scale. When starting a project, the project team can fill in the project charter, approve it, and begin planning. Indeed, the heart of the program is the intuitive project schedule. The team can adapt the content of the schedule to the scale and needs of the ongoing project. It is certainly worth noting the warning icon system visible on the schedule. If a risk, product, or cost item is associated with a task, such an association will be marked with an icon. In particular, the project team can use a task list, a Gantt chart, or Kanban boards. Also, the FlexiProject allows managing the project budget, risks, products, and plans. Additionally, communication via chat or instant messaging is very convenient.

Especially for management and the PMO, FlexiProject offers a range of functions for managing projects at a strategic level. The FlexiProject project management app allows for building scoring models and linking strategic goals to KPIs and projects. Surely, a distinguishing feature of FlexiProject is the automatic project reviews. This automates the process of reporting project statuses. The application offers the possibility to create reports. FlexiProject enables the management of resources.

FlexiProject significantly improves project management

Customers find FlexiProject application intuitive
Customers say the quality and availability of project information has improved after implementing FlexiProject
Customers find that FlexiProject's flexibility provides a customized fit for organizations
Customers would recommend FlexiProject to other companies

See our
customers opinions

Europlant Phytopharmaca

Michał Wika

Member of the Board Europlant Phytopharmaca


Krzysztof Smoliński

Project Management Office SMAY

INTER Polska

Piotr Bonarek

Member of the Board TU INTER Polska

GLS Poland

Monika Drozd, Maciej Ostrowski

Project Management Office


Michał Gumiński

Member of the Board, Torf Corporation

Krosno Glass

Magdalena Kuźniar

Head of Projects and Strategy Implementation Office

Continental Farmers Group

Vitalii Dzhumak

CFG Head of Project Management Office

Contact us to learn more about FlexiProject details
If you want to explore the full capabilities that FlexiProject offers, feel free to talk to our specialists.